They moved seasonally among various vegetation types to feed on plants that were flourishing . 它们还随着季节的变化而在各种类型植物之间迁移,以便吃那些茂盛的植物。
The generalist insects tend to feed on a range of different plants, some of which will be either group-apparent or ephemeral . 不专化的昆虫表现能在一系列不同的植物上取食,可能是常住的也可能是短暂的。
Nothing to feed on feed on themselves 没有养分的话,就从自己身上吸吮养分。
' they seem to need to feed on warm flesh “他们好像需要吃活人的肉”
These insects were then permitted to feed on infected mice 然后这些蚊子也用被感染的小老鼠进行喂养。
There is therefore more profit for competitors to feed on 因此,存在更多的利润空间竞争对手可以吸食。
They have no native predators , no creatures that like to feed on them 它们没有天敌,没有以它们为食的生物。
In flat open country there is plenty of grass for the cattle to feed on 在开阔平坦的地区有大量的青草供牛群食用。
They have no native predators , no creatures that like to feed on them 在当地它们没有天敌,也没有生物想要捕食它们。